Cate Recommends: "Let Me Be The One" by Exposé

I really love how music has the ability to drag me back in time. You know, back to when I truly believed that my life was so complicated because I had no idea how to fit shopping in between high school and slinging fish at a local fast food joint. Back to when radio stations alternated between club songs and being a slice of headbanger heaven. Twitter has made Freestyle Friday a new (old) thing and I couldn’t possibly be more grateful.

My new Friday morning private work dance party begins with “Let Me Be The One” by Exposé and it snowballs with all sorts of synthie goodness from that point on. Lyrical geniuses they are not, but Latin freestyle has always been about the music and harmonies, so I can forgive that. I can be having THE week from hell and a minute into this song all is temporarily forgotten. I’m sixteen again and singing along with Gioia Bruno while dancing in my chair. I would put money on the notion that no one has ever slit their wrists while listening to an Exposé song. It’s just not possible.

I remember as a teenager loving the idea that being a grown up meant that my weekends would be fair-game for whatever type of debauchery I decided to involve myself in. A million years later I now totally get that adulting actually means working 2 jobs, juggling 3 kids, 1 husband and a bunch of bills. Hell, forget the shenanigans, crawling into bed at 9pm kind of sounds like a far off dream.

But Exposé’s “Let Me Be The One”? That takes me back to when I was sure I’d be partying every weekend until I died. It’s just pure fun, which is what at least one part of our adult life really should be about, don’t you think? Take a listen. I double dare you NOT to dance! recommendation by Cate Meighan)


Dale Recommends: "Dimming of the Day" by Richard and Linda Thompson


Sam Recommends: "The Moment" by Tame Impala