Cory Recommends: “You Can’t Get What You Want (Till You Know What You Want)” by Joe Jackson

Joe Jackson knows what he wants.

People told me I was A Dad many years before I ever became a father. That I look and sound a bit like Red Green probably doesn’t hurt. In that mode, I bring you a song recommendation with a little fatherly advice.

Many people out there make their living telling others how to run their lives. I’m not interested in that. I’d rather share the tools I have and if they work for you, take them. If not, no harm no foul I hope. I find that the titular line of this song has been a helpful tool for me over the years.

It’s deceptively simple. OF COURSE, you say (rhetorically since I can’t hear you) a person has to know what you want in order to get it! Yet in my experience a surprisingly high percentage of people haven’t sat down and had an honest conversation with themselves about what they really want. Worse yet, a woeful number of people I’ve met have actively considered if what they think they want is a product of their own desires and hopes or are a fool’s errand sold to them by a system that chews them up for profit.

I sing this song to my coworkers on a regular basis when they come to my desk and ask me vague process questions. It’s a disarming way to start a cooperative conversation about the scope of their ideas and projects and what tools are at their disposal. We’re all in this together.

So do yourself a favor and take a few moments for some self-reflection. You’ll be glad in the long run that you did.

Plus, that tight horn section and bass guitar part are knock outs. recommendation by Cory Funk)


Michael Recommends “Old Strange” by Steve Gunn


Iris Recommends: “Rise Up With Fists!!!” by Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins