Kevin Recommends: “Peace on Earth/The Little Drummer Boy” performed by Bing Crosby and David Bowie

                  a marvelous duet simply marvelous

Guys guys guys

This is duet good.

It’s so good!

…okay, so maybe the setup isn’t “good” so much as it is “ham-fisted and weird,” but come on — how else are you going to get these two together? Personally, I enjoy that it feels like a drunken, surreal fever-dream. It’s exactly what I want a collaboration between these two to feel like. It’s simply marvelous.

Click the video below to watch/listen to our boys bring peace on earth to the beat of a little drummer boy.

Bonus: check out this nearly beat-for-beat version with John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell because it’s marvelous: recommendation by Kevin D. Woodall)


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