Lindsey Recommends: “Best on Earth” by Russ and BIA (NSFW)

Every once in awhile, a song drops that you know will be adopted by every stripper in the galaxy. “Best on Earth” by Russ and BIA is that song for 2020. And you don’t even have to go to the strip club to know I’m right — search the #BestOnEarth on Instagram and see hundreds of Insta babes’ bouncing booties.
You’re welcome.
Russ first showed up among my suggested playlists in 2017 when his album There’s Really a Wolf, came out, and I instantly fell in love. His sound stood out from other emerging hip hop acts. He raps; he sings; he’s not hard to look at it. And as I immersed myself in his entire catalog, I discovered he wasn’t actually a new artist. The guy is prolific, having put out ELEVEN albums on SoundCloud between 2011 and 2017.
Ok, so clearly I’m a bit of a Stan for Russ, so maybe it was a given that I was going to love anything he put out. Or maybe it’s BIA’s perfect blend of crassness and charisma: “Now I got the pussy and power if you ask me.” Or perhaps I’m just a sucker for mattress creaking on a track (see also: “Bad” by Wale and Rhianna). You know, I love my Tuft and Needle mattress, but it lacks a certain audible feedback when I’m getting busy. Now that I think about it, will the future generations even know the joy of making your own music from fucking? Sad.
As a bop that is guaranteed to bring out the freak in, like, everybody, I can recognize that “Best on Earth” is on the slippery slope of novelty. So enjoy it. Hopefully with someone cute. But do yourself a favor and don’t stop there. Russ has like a zillion songs and, honestly, most are objectively better than this one. Put him on shuffle and vibe the fuck out. recommendation by Lindsey Hileman)