K recommends “Flower Glass” by Hand Habits


every delicate word of this song forms a poem that dizzies me with the intricacies of love and lovesickness. it is a perfect bedtime song. it is stars on the ceiling. it is a slow dance of lazy hair and nervous hands. it is imperfect people navigating wordless emotions with lumps in their throats. it is putting words to the wordless. it is self-conscious and pacing the floor. it is lost in labyrinths of longing and un-endings. it is found in the ease of firsts.

i want to tell you all about the many ways this song affects me. i also want to hide this song and keep it for myself. someone gave it to me and i want it to be only for us. but lines like this are such important epiphanies that they should be celebrated, felt and shared:

“but when i see the dust is falling,
i don't want no one else.
it’s better to believe in something
bigger than ourselves.
i’ll sing it to you softly, it's so terrifying.”

ultimately, i think you should listen to this and let it wash over you with a thousand bittersweet memories and daydreams. and even if it stings as it hums and buzzes, i promise it will eventually land softly on a flower’s tongue and say things you might not have been able to say yourself.🩷

K Weber obtained her BA in Creative Writing from Miami University & has 11 self-published, online books of poetry. She writes independently & collaboratively, having created poems from words donated by 300+ people since 2018. Much of K's work (free in PDF & audio) & her publishing credits are on her website:  kweberandherwords.com. Find her on Instagram @midwesternskirt!




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